



I haven't SERIOUSLY maintained this blog since.. what, SEVEN years?! Come to think of it, I stopped blogging (keeping diary) in English when I left the US for Taiwan, and then I took up using BBS as a form of diary keeping. Since all my friends are Taiwanese here, it seemed natural to write in Chinese, unless I wanted to keep things to myself, in which case writing in English would hardly achieve this anyway, as English is the worldwide international language! Hah! So there is globalization for yah.

The point is, I've been contemplating keeping a blog about my MBA life, and what better time than to start now? A real letter came in real mail today, with real a FedEX envelope and everything. It was my letter of acceptance from Columbia! Along with it came a luggage tag that said, simply, Columbia Business School on it. As if they all know that I will be packing up and can use the discreet luggage tag to show my place of destination! Hahahaha!

I'm glad that this business school application chaos is finally over and I have finished all seven phases of the business school application. I never thought I'd make it to phase 7! And now that I'm finally here, I finally understand why so many business school students and graduates were so willing to offer me advice during the process. It's absolutely hellish, but after going through it, there are so many things you realize you could have done better, so you try to give advice to prospective students so that they won't make the same mistakes. It's kind of like some parents' mentality to make their kids do what they couldn't or didn't have a chance to do when they were young.

I haven't decided how serious I want to take this blog - should I just rant and hit "publish" when I'm done, or should I treat it like a serious writer and read it over for edits? Considering how busy b-school will be, I'm leaning towards the first, in which case the blog would be limited in how public it will be.

Wow, I really missed keeping a blog/diary. In English. I really miss America, too. Jamba Juice and American Eagle and TV shows and all! You never realize how much something is a part of you until you get cut off from it. Like the phantom arm syndrome. (Or maybe not.)