
dreams and thoughts

i've been having weird dreams about friends back in the states for several nights now. last night i dreamt about tyson, the night before chrissy, and some nights before i saw charlton and angela. maybe it just means i miss you guys. but i think there's more.. i feel like i'm losing some part of myself slowly, and before i know it, i'd turn my head and find that part of myself completely disappeared. just vanished into thin air. and it makes me so scared to think this way, but there's nothing i can do to make things better.

i'm stuck in one place and not going anywhere. and i'm all alone.


Jordan said...


Don't worry, you're having a better experience there than a lot of people here. You'll be glad you did it later.

Congrats to 李安.

I'll be in Beijing again this summer.

cxjain said...
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cxjain said...

==deletion due to grammar correction *sweatdrop*==

it's been such a long time... since we were the hex, since we were last together, since i saw you.

i wish we had an inexhaustible store of memory storage so that new ones might not push out those of the past.

Rick said...

hey loser,

Long time no talk. I was just thinking about you today and realized that your birthday was like 2 days ago. So happy birthday.

Let me know if you ever come to Hawaii.
