
this is a normal post.

so chrissy says i haven't been doing "normal" blogging. >"< ok here is some "normal-ness"

it's sunday night. tomorrow's monday. start of another busy week. why is it that it seems like i never have enough time for anything?! i hate being busy i hate being busy i hate busy i hate busy i hate busy!!!!

this is me ---> /"\(>_<)/"\ "stopppp!!!!!!!!!"
. hrm.. i look very fat in this picture.

well the good thing is that i have been getting plenty of sleep. and my face is whiter now!! hahahahahah XD. yeah yeah i know i'm conforming to the whole "white is beautiful" but..

i'm whiter! *^______^*

the apt is almost ready now. after much wiping ad sweeping and hauling and unboxing and assembling... *wipes sweat from eyebrows* taking care of a house is a lot of work!! especially if you're not quite living in it yet.. but! i will be able to move in this week i think? :D of course, i'll still be going back to my dorm room at certain times in the day, so that i don't have to travel back and forth and most importantly, i can still take naps. XD yay yay yay. but i'm so glad to be able to have certain luxuries (that never were luxuries back in high school of course) such as HAVING YOUR OWN BATHROOM!!! hehe and a REAL bed with like.. springs!! ^o^

mm.. what else has been going on? i'd really like to go to berkeley during summer, if i can, for classes. but i'm awkwardly kind of a "visiting domestic student" AND "visiting international student." is a definition of intnl. student one who doesn't have a u.s.a. passport? hrm.. @_@ and i don't really know exactly what classes i want to take.. what if i forget all my japanese! but i don't know if i want to learn japanese in english, seeing as how i'm finally almost adjusted to learning in chinese sorta. but all this is under the assumption that i can GET IN in the first place. what with my grades and all.. ack. my average is 80 pts. which is i guess a B average? blahhhh..... :*(

k i'd better get to studying.. so.. much.. studying.............. and i conclude by giving you a very very very good song. :)

梁靜茹 - 為我好

才知道 你臉上的微笑
不是幸福代表 是種不自在的禮貌
才知道 感情已經動搖
我一直被誤導 是你還不願意揭曉

太多小煩惱 怪我們不懂得拋
太多的問號 答案也都不必找
只換來疲勞 忘了要一起變老

為何要無話可說 才懂沉默比爭吵難熬
為何會在恨消失後 愛還是挽回不了
為何要在疼愛我的時候 才對我說離開我


don't lie to me

maybe there is no meaning in it anymore.

i think certain types of music, however repetitive they can be, might be able to help me rediscover passion. what i want isn't just strong feelings. i need.. wildness, desire, craziness, unruly, hair-messily-sticking-on-face-with-beads-of-sweat-dripping-down kind of passion. call it unorthodox. improper. whatever. things need to be heated back up again.



sometimes i really hate that my head is working properly. i hate my rationality. i hate being sensible. i don't want to reason out something that wasn't meant to be offered an explanation. sometimes i feel like the little passion i show is playacting. but inside, it's cold. nothing can melt it. it can only be chopped up. and maybe if the blade moves fast enough it can begin to liquefy. but even then, it will still be ice-cold.

have i ever truly felt anything? i doubt it... maybe at the moment, i can make myself believe i feel it. but then take away the background image and the costumes and all the props, and it's back to.. normal? reality? without the lighting and the music, it's as if the emotions never existed. it's scary.

and maybe that's why i want to be around you. you give me feeling. even if they are pin pricks.


freedom or enslavement?

freedom to deteriorate
freedom to fall
freedom to be immoral
freedom to lack discipline
freedom to be frowned upon
freedom to disobey
freedom to lack virtue
freedom to self-indulge

"everything in moderation."

everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial.


the tiffany song :D

梁靜如 - Tiffany

怎麼回事 突然會
在意起自己 左手的無名指
需要裝飾 些什麼
難道要我提示 情人節不用慶祝
現在我想要 那另一種幸福

天使說戴著它就會 得到祝福
說再多要冷靜三思也不能 阻止
我只想在紅色地毯 跟他跳舞

午後的 那道陽光
多自由 也比不上
我知道 愛的形狀
閉上雙眼 只是想像





too lazy to post up my schedule, which is not particularly interesting anyway. but i have 27 hours of class each week! that's 25 units, which is the maximum. and still i seem to be taking only the classes i absolutely should take. and i don't even have math!!

second semester starts monday. i hope i can do better than the last one.


saw this on peter's blog. you guys thought i don't read the blogs on my list, didn'tcha! hohoho.. this is good:

I asked for Strength...
And God gave me Difficulties to make me strong.

I asked for Wisdom...
And God gave me Problems to solve.

I asked for Prosperity...
And God gave me Brain and Brawn to work.

I asked for Courage...
And God gave me Danger to overcome.

I asked for Love...
And God gave me Troubled people to help.

I asked for Favors...
And God gave me Opportunities.

I received nothing I Wanted...
I received
everything I Needed.

round 19

why are human relationships sometimes so difficult to manage? we each bring our own baggage when we meet, and depending on the circumstances, some of us take on other people's baggages, and some of us relieve our burdens. i still have a lot to learn about people in general..

money issues have been bugging me lately as well. having spent the last nine years (and very important years) of my life in wealthy, protected, clean silicon valley, i seem to have been a bit out of touch with the "real world?" yes, monetary comparisons will always exist in life. you can keep running like a rat to try to keep up with the thompsons, or you can be constantly grateful that you have the opportunity to do certain things that are just out of reach without the access to large amounts of money. it's not just the glass half full or half empty question. it's the simple fact that no matter where you stand, there will always be people above and below you. sometimes, it's about more than just how you view your circumstances. it's also about how to handle and manipulate the situation in a way that anyone who stands to try to judge you can be silenced. theoretically, what comes out of their mouth should not affect you. but if you plan to get anywhere in a society which is built on human connections, especially business-wise, you must learn to be harmonious. if it's not an intimate relationship, it should at least be a beneficial (some would say useful or practical) one, yes? and in these cases, some outer appearances and expressions of opinion DO matter. very much.

it's quite scary, but life seems to be composed of endless rounds of a huge competition. so you just keep running.


current obsession: dior girly and shiatzy chen

pink! ^_^


alas, i have safely arrived in taiwan. slept well on the airport. it's raining in taipei right now...



leaving in.. four hours.

i love cupertino. thank you guys for letting me stay with you and driving me everywhere! it was nice seeing you all again.. seeing you guys makes me feel at home. :)

more thoughts on visit later. goodbye tino until summer!