
ENTP - "Inventor". Enthusiastic interest in everything and always sensitive to possibilities. Non-conformist and innovative. 3.2% of the total population.
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it would be horrible if i can only become close with people who have similar backgrounds as me. but what if your value systems and general concerns are completely on different ends of the spectrum?

midterms coming up. must study hard.

you know, maybe marriage isn't such a far-away thing after all. it's kind of like death. everyone knows they're going to die someday, but to most, it hasn't become a reality. until you find out that you've got cancer. ok BAD analysis, but i hope i got my point across.

people study too hard here. it's quite annoying.


from the movie: 20 30 40

"you're just so immature like that!"

"if i were mature, you wouldn't love me anymore."
i want a maltese.

a fidgety election

very funny, kafung. the reason you haven't been able to contact me is because i barely get access to internet now, since i'm living in the new apartment. BUT that doesn't mean you can sign into my account and post when you feel like it. you know how i much i despise it when you use my password without asking.

anyway, onto happier thoughts..

a-bian got elected!! woooohoooooo~~~ and 80% of the people went to the voting booths today. HAH! beat that america. ;)

it was almost as exciting as a football game or something, watching the numbers flipping back and forth. and since taiwan doesn't have the electoral college, popular votes are everything. what's more is that this is indeed a surprise ending. and a-bian only won by a difference of 0.228% of the votes! my entire family went to vote today, which is the first time i've seen my family so.. politically active... when they were living in the states, i don't think they even knew who was for what party. -___-;;

yay yay yay! hooray for a-bian. ^____^


more adventure

after the very encouraging success of the crimson room, i have moved on to the mystery of time and space and droom. it's kinda addicting.. at least for me -__-;;.. and NO it is not like habbo hotel as i know some of you are thinking when i utter the word "addictive!"

fun puzzle-ish game. i'm surprised i managed to open the door since i am HORRIBLE at solving puzzles. -__-;;


i want to be a hermit.


not only that, i also think i need a vacation away from myself. i hate it when mushy-schmooshy sentimental feelies get in the way of cold hard ambition. gah.

oh and look at this funny template: haha


lucky enough

came across this while reading jaclyn's livejournal. it meant a lot, especially at this moment, when self-esteem and level of companionship is at an all-time LOW. here it is:
...one of my greatest memories of high school were the cheesy valentines. Now, those of you who did not attend Tino, or weren't of the class of '03, this train of thought may seem a bit random to you. Those of you who were lucky enough to get these awesome cards from Joanne and Shelley (those talented two!) know exactly what I'm talking about. Those vals basically represented all the craziness we went through, how we dealt with it, and how great our group of friends were. I still have mine...

thanks jaclyn. it's always great being reminded of something i've always had, but was too stupid to think of.
feel so useless.

and here i was, trying to be just like everybody else.

when i was trying to be different, to be unique, i only ended up seeing myself being just like everyone else, trying to be different in the same way. and now i'm trying to be the same as everyone else, only to realize that in the end, i will always be hopelessly, regretfully, different. i don't have to be lonely because of it, but i, and only i, know that i will be apart.

it's even funnier that i'm learning a new language as my major. isn't the process of learning (and then mastering) a language in an environment which doesn't speak that language, a process of making oneself stand apart? because to put it pessimistically, you are always going to be misunderstood. but flip it over and optimistically, i suppose it's that people will never be able to understand you like they do other people.

it's hard being proud of your own unique-ness when it's the source of so many of your troubles.



took this a couple days ago, but thought i'd post it here so you can compare it with chrissy's since the only difference we had was love and sex. (hey, at least i was being honest!) teehehehe.. i personally think it's only partially correct though. eh.. and i do NOT want to consider the playboy. what were they thinking! >_<

Deliberate Brutal Sex Dreamer (DBSDf)

Sly. Sensual. Guarded. Different somehow. You are The Nymph.

It appears like you're looking for a fling or a casual sexual relationship, but it's not that simple. You're a hungry but also very careful person, and this generates a certain amount of sexual tension within you and in your relationships. In other aspects of life, you get what you want. In relationships, that's not always the case.

It's possible you intimidate potential lovers. Most likely, though, you're a little closed off--therefore mysterious--and, naturally, people find that difficult to get with. Maybe it's just part of your selection process, though. You've been in enough relationships to know to expose yourself slowly.

When you do feel comfortable with someone, though, your torrid sexual appetite will make him very happy. Your cautious nature is also a big asset in a long-term relationship. It might take longer for love to establish itself, but when it does, it's all the stronger.

ALWAYS AVOID: The False Messiah

CONSIDER: The Playboy

Your exact opposite:
The Peach
Random Gentle Love Master



time... management...

i really don't have THAT many tasks. why oh why do i never have enough time for everything i want to do!?!?



i've been sorta living in the new apartment. i don't want to say i've moved in there because i really haven't. my stuff is EVERYWHERE - dorm room, taipei house (parent's, where i'm obligated to go on the weekends because it is so awfully close) and the apartment. so i currently have three toothbrushes, three contacts cases, three sets of shampoo/conditioner, and so on.. it's not very fun at all, because i have to clean everything and all the areas i use, so it really is A LOT OF CLEANING. i feel like that french cleaning hermit crab guy in Finding Nemo. -___-;;

so winter vacation i was living in my parent's house, then moved back into the dorms, two weeks later living in the apartment. i feel like this constant moving around and using all sorts of showers, towels, bedding, even different sets of clothes (!) is getting on my nerves. it gives one a sense of non-belonging. like anywhere i go, i'm not really home, and it seems like the things i need are always in another house.

i want to just settle down in ONE place but that doesn't seem to be possible. why? obviously my parents want me to stay home but that would not only be inconvenient in the transportation way but also in other ways as well. then of course i'd have to keep stuff at the dorms because sometimes i go "back" without going "home." and the apartment place is the most unnecessary one, but it'd be a waste not staying there what with the *new house ta-da* thing and also the nice own bathroom and springy bed. *HUGE sigh* i guess i'm destined to be nomadic, country-wise AND home-wise. it feels weird to be sleeping in four different beds every week.



woohoo~ i spent only 100 NT on food today!! that's less than three dollars! and no i didn't starve myself, in fact they were very full meals. i'm one step closer to my dior girlies... ^^;;

it's strange. sometimes the qualities you know you hate about certain people keep on coming up in everyone you surround yourself with. and then you realize that it is that quality which you hate so much that ties you to them, because it's probably one of the only things you don't have emotional control over. and the less control, the more.. genuinity? but also the more bondage. but then again, sometimes it becomes the glue that holds you together. and you find yourself loving it and hating it.