
a fidgety election

very funny, kafung. the reason you haven't been able to contact me is because i barely get access to internet now, since i'm living in the new apartment. BUT that doesn't mean you can sign into my account and post when you feel like it. you know how i much i despise it when you use my password without asking.

anyway, onto happier thoughts..

a-bian got elected!! woooohoooooo~~~ and 80% of the people went to the voting booths today. HAH! beat that america. ;)

it was almost as exciting as a football game or something, watching the numbers flipping back and forth. and since taiwan doesn't have the electoral college, popular votes are everything. what's more is that this is indeed a surprise ending. and a-bian only won by a difference of 0.228% of the votes! my entire family went to vote today, which is the first time i've seen my family so.. politically active... when they were living in the states, i don't think they even knew who was for what party. -___-;;

yay yay yay! hooray for a-bian. ^____^

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