
i'm becoming rather unsure on who reads my blog now. nevertheless, what's on here should be ok for everybody to read right? and i mean EVERYBODY.

facing a dilemma lately. ew this keyboard is sticky. anyway.. i seem to have this same problem over and over again! something must be going wrong in my brain for me to make the same mistake time after time. and i'm sure i have some, if not all, free will over these decisions i make. so why does it still happen? almost awe-stricken.

i'm so indecisive. or maybe it's just that i don't have enough faith. what's been happening doesn't exactly give me the faith i so need right now. i'm slipping.. and i can feel it. slipping away from it. slipping out of it. how do you slip out of it? i'm dumbfounded by the entire process, yet it is real, it is happening, it is happening to me.

and yet, i still don't understand it.

很愛很愛你 可是 也...


Simon said...

I still read your blog, if that makes you feel any better.

Shellz said...

hehe thanks simon :)

Shellz said...

haha charlton. point taken.

and my email address has never changed in the first place! still the same :)